El Cajon Valley High School

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AP Testing Dates

Anthony Devine El Cajon Valley High School Teacher Librarian

AP Coordinator: Anthony Devine

Assistant Principal for AP: Douglas Martin

ECVHS Assistant Principal, Douglas Martin

Benefits of the AP program:
The Advanced Placement (AP) program gives students the chance to earn college-level credits through a series of exams.
* Earn college credit and advanced standing
* Enhance your college application
* Explore subjects at a more in-depth level
* Save time and money

What AP courses does El Cajon Valley offer?    

This is a two-semester introductory course in calculus and elementary functions, equivalent to one semester of college-level calculus. This course meets the University of California “c” mathematics and “g” elective requirements.
Computer Science Principles
 This is a two-semester introductory course in computer science. This course meets the University of California “g” elective requirement.

English Literature/English Language
A course that teaches Advanced Placement English to juniors and/or seniors as outlined in the syllabus on Composition/Literature or Language/Composition published by the National Advanced Placement Program. This course meets the University of California “b” English and “g” elective requirements.

Environmental Science
This course is intended to present a survey of the field of environmental science. Topics to be included are global population, ecological principles and their applications, energy, land use and land management, water use and management, global issues and politics of science. Prerequisite: Two years of science, biology and chemistry OR coordinated science 1-4. This course meets UC “d” science and “g” elective requirements.

A two-semester course in German language designed to provide the capable student with the opportunity to take part in a college-level course while attending high school. The curriculum is consistent with the Advanced Placement Course Description published by the College Board. Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation. This course meets the University of California “e” foreign language and “g” elective requirements.

Spanish Language
A two-semester course in Spanish Language designed to provide the capable student with the opportunity to take part in a college-level course while attending high school. The curriculum is consistent with the Advanced Placement Course Description published by the College Board. Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation. This course meets the University of California “e” foreign language and “g” elective requirements.

Spanish Literature
A two-semester course in Spanish literature designed to provide the capable student with the opportunity to take part in a college-level course while attending high school. The curriculum is consistent with the Advanced Placement Course Description published by the College Board. Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation. This course meets the University of California “e” foreign language and “g” elective requirements.

Studio Art Drawing

This one-year course provides guidance to the advanced student in the preparation of artwork that will fulfill the requirements for the AP Studio Art Portfolio in Drawing. This course addresses a very broad interpretation of drawing issues and media. Light and shade, line quality, rendering of form, composition, surface manipulation, and illusion of depth are drawing issues that can be addressed through a variety of means. Many works of painting, printmaking, and mixed media, abstract and other works may qualify. Students must have completed a minimum of one year of art (drawing/painting) with a grade of B or better, have excellent drawing skills, have teacher permission before enrolling, and be a junior or senior. Students who receive a grade of 3 or better on their portfolio, from the National College Board will receive college credit for this class. This course meets the University of California Visual & Performing Arts “f” and elective “g” requirements.

Studio Art 2D Design
This is a one-year course providing guidance in the preparation of artwork that will fulfill the requirements for AP Studio Art portfolio in 2D Design. For this portfolio students are asked to demonstrate proficiency in 2-D design using a variety of art forms. These could include graphic design, typography, digital imaging, photography, collage, illustration, painting, print making, etc. Students decide on a specific c theme and create works reflecting their theme, using the elements and principles of art and design. Students must have completed a minimum of one year of art (Photography, Digital Arts, or Design classes) with a grade of B or better, have excellent designing skills, have teacher permission before enrolling, and be a junior or senior. Students who receive a grade of 3 or better on their portfolio, from the National College Board will receive college credit for this class. This course meets the University of California Visual & Performing Arts “f” and elective “g” requirements.

US Government and Politics
This is an in-depth course of study involving the various institutions peculiar to the American political system and its history with an interpretation of specific governmental case studies. The focus will be on civil liberties and civil rights, policy processes, political parties and interest groups, various political beliefs and the constitutional background of our government and political being. Students must be able to successfully complete daily work, unit tests, the above case studies and investigations, and research term papers leading to the Advanced Placement test. Writing on a daily basis will be stressed in order to prepare students for not only the essay sections of the AP test but for successful completion of future social science college work. This course meets the University of California “a” social science and “g” elective requirements.

US History
A two-semester course in U.S. History designed to provide the capable student with the opportunity to take part in a college-level course while attending high school. The curriculum is consistent with the Advanced Placement Course Description published by the College Board. This course meets the University of California “a” social science and “g” elective requirements.

European History
A two-semester course designed to provide the capable student with the opportunity to take part in a college-level course while attending high school. The curriculum is consistent with the Advanced Placement Course Description published by the College Board. This course meets the University of California “a” social science and “g” elective requirements.